Afstemming sleutelfuncties bij de transitie naar WTP. Column van Ronald Sijsenaar.
Tag Archive for: Pensions
Risicobeheer bij de transitie naar WTP en de rol van de sleutelfunctie daarbij.
6 things to arrange for pension funds in order to manage their (outsourced) IT, a column by Edward Roozenburg.
How to keep your internal control framework lean. Some tips are provided in Edward Roozenburg’s column.
Het nieuwe pensioenstelsel zit eraan te komen. Maar er is vanuit verschillende hoeken nog de nodige discussie en kritiek. Is er een goede risico-opinie gemaakt over het nieuwe stelsel? En wat zou er in zo’n opinie terug moeten komen? Pim Poppe gaat hierop in in zijn column bij Financial Investigator.
Renze Munnik’s column in the Financial Investigator is about hybrid governance towards the transition to the new pension agreement, as well as future decisions in the current structure.
Renze Munnik’s column in the Financial Investigator is about how pension funds prepare for the transition after het pensionakkoord, as well as differences between pension funds.
The obligation of doing the own risk assessment (ORA) followed the IORP II. Most requirements are not new, but small changes are made.
Renze Munnik’s column in the Financial Investigator is about changes in the parity of pension governance, including a balance of interests, professionalisation, complexity, and demands.
We organized a roundtable about the Pension Agreement in response to our whitepaper that focused on important topics while elaborating and implementing the agreement.