What is greenwashing? Why are investors and consumers paying attention to it? Identify greenwashing and mitigate its risks
Tag Archive for: Climate Risk
Biodiversity is becoming an increasing point of discussion in financial organizations. The signal to get started is becoming increasingly clear. But what does the supervisor think, and what can you pay attention to as a bank?
Biodiversiteit wordt een steeds groter punt van discussie in financiële organisaties. Het signaal om aan de slag te gaan wordt steeds duidelijker. Maar wat vindt de toezichthouder?
Climate stress testing is essential to assess your sensitivity to climate risk. At Probability, we recently started building a framework to do this. What are some of the challenges we encountered? A column by Emre Erkan & Svetlana Borovkova
Climate stress testing: increased regulatory pressure but challenges persist. What are good approaches and solutions that a financial institution can use? A column by Svetlana Borovkova.
Climate risk is not all doom and gloom: while climate change poses significant financial risks, it also opens up lucrative investment opportunities. Read Dr Svetlana Borovkova’s newest column in Financial Investigator where she discusses which types of companies can benefit from climate change and climate-related regulations.
Humanity’s response to unpredictable climate change. A column by Pim Poppe.
Amba Zeggen’s column in the Financial Investigator is about incorporating climate risk in the ORSA process, EIOPA’s application guidance & time horizons.
Svetlana Borovkova’s column in the Financial Investigator is about climate risk assessment for NGFS and portfolio climate risk.
Svetlana Borovkova’s column about climate risk, includes risks and benefits of climate change, awareness, balanced toolkits and climate risk as an investment fundamental factor.