Max Wassenberg

Quantitative consultant

  • Expertise: Quantitative Methods & Financial Modelling
  • Sector: Insurance

Max is a Junior Risk Management Consultant at Probability & Partners. He started a BSc. Degree in Science, Business, and Innovation (SBI) at the Vrije Universiteit, where he discovered that he wanted to dive deeper into mathematics. He, therefore, started his second BSc. Degree in Econometrics and Operations Research  (EOR) at the VU also.

After finishing both his BSc degrees, Max started his MSc. in Financial Econometrics at the Vrije Universiteit. During his masters, he took courses on Advanced Econometrics, Quantitative Investing, Time Series Models, and Stochastic Processes and therefore has a strong background in quantitative methods and financial modeling. Max enjoys working in teams and tackling complex quantitative problems. He is always eager to learn.

Max Wassenberg