Risicomanagement in geopolitieke tijden
De wereldorde is in beweging. De risico’s die met deze geopolitieke verschuivingen gepaard gaan, raken ook financiële instellingen en bedrijven direct en indirect.
Amba has studied mathematics and actuarial science and has more than 20 years of work experience in the financial sector. Amba supports organizations in connecting business strategy, risk management, and capital, by providing insight into the functioning of strong risk management tools such as the ORSA/ERB process, model governance, and the need for healthy risk culture.
In September 2015, Amba was chosen for the Actuary of the Year by peers and an independent jury. Amba has strong communication skills and is able to explain complex subjects in a clear and understandable way.
De wereldorde is in beweging. De risico’s die met deze geopolitieke verschuivingen gepaard gaan, raken ook financiële instellingen en bedrijven direct en indirect.