We are looking for people who like solving complex problems but also have a pragmatic attitude. To like working for us, you need to be interested in risk management and the financial industry. To serve our clients well it is important to be communicative and inquisitive. We work in teams for and with our clients, so it is also important that you enjoy working with others. Probability and Partners is a premier brand among risk consulting firms. As such, we look for people with an outstanding academic track record.
To fit well in our team we look for people that dare to challenge, have a sense of humor, and are excited about learning. You need to enjoy helping others, even at times when you are already quite busy. Our internal communication is in English, so you should be highly proficient in spoken and written English. Knowledge of Dutch is not required.
For our quantitative services in risk management, we are looking for graduates with a quantitative background such as Applied Mathematics, Econometrics, Actuarial Sciences, Quantitative Finance. However, we also hire people with a background in areas such as Physics, Aerospace Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence. The common denominator is that you should have had exposure to modeling, data, programming, and statistics during your studies.
We are always open to hiring talented interns to work on their thesis or one of our internal research projects. We can provide excellent supervision from Svetlana Borovkova, who also acts as the program coordinator of the Duisenberg Honours MSc program in Quantitative Risk Management at VU Amsterdam. We therefore have an excellent understanding of how to balance relevant questions from the financial industry with the requirements of your master thesis.